Les Livres français au English Book Room!

Comme Bill & Rosa's English Book Room est en France nous mettons en avant de temps en temps des livres qui nous plaisent en français. On a déjà vu le stéreotype des Français avec les chiens, French Poodles, entre autres. Il va de soit qu'il y a un pléthore de livres pour enfant avec des chiens comme caractère principal. Voici notre choix de quatre [livres] chiens qui [pour]suivent un [livre] écureuil! LUCKY JOEY Joey l’écureuil vit avec sa famille dans un grand parc à New York. Rapide et agile, il aime son travail malgré les risques. Joey est laveur de vitres ! Du haut des immeubles, Joey rêve de voyages et de mariage avec Léna, son amoureuse. Tous les deux travaillent dur pour que leur rêve devienne réalité. Se laisseront-ils rattraper par les aléas de la vie ou la chance de Lucky Joey finira-t-elle par tourner ? Album 6 à 8 ans. Author: Carl Norac & Stéphane Poulin, Publisher: Les Lutins, L’école des loisirs  JOBS DE WOUF Saviez-vous qu’il existe des chiens…
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French Entrepreneur Families

French entrepreneur families

Some of the most famous brands in France were initially and often still are family businesses. A few even headed by women! Meet six historic French entrepreneur families starting with Chaumet the creator of the 2024 Paris Olympics Medals.


Marie-Etienne Nitot was an 18th century creator. He started near the top apprenticing to Marie-Antoinette's personal jeweller. In 1780 he founded his own maison. He survived the trauma of the Revolution to thrive under Napoleon who had an ambition to re-make France a center for luxury and fashion. Beginning with Napoleon's coronation sword Nitot became an important creator for the Empire and one of the most sought after jewellers in Europe. His son took the reins in 1812 and set up on Place Vendome. Joseph Chaumet became the director in 1885. His signature in the time of the belle epoque was nature-inspired aigrettes and tiaras which were social symbols. Tiaras morph…

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Essential France: Objects

In nearly every French household you’ll find these essential France items... La Clé FACOM 1918. In a noisy workshop near the Gare de Lyon in Paris was born a small adjustable hand wrench under the code name “clé 101” or “Madame 101”. World War I changed the world and firmly established the presence of machines – which need repair. The perfect tool is the adjustable wrench by Facom which becomes indispensable for home and professional repairs and la société Franco-Américaine de Construction d'Outillage Mécanique, truncated as the French love to do, to “Facom”, becomes the leading brand of hand tools in Europe. (There is nothing American about it but the Franco-American name was a bit of marketing genius referring to the US troops during the war who were well equipped with the latest technological advancements.) Le 101 was manufactured until 1961 and is now a useful collector's item and the brand Facom is a worldwide (except in the Americas!!) success.   BI…
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