Earth Day Kid’s Books

This weekend we celebrate not only Earth Day, on April 22nd, but also Independent Bookstore Day on April 23rd! Bill & Rosa’s Book Room is taking part in this year’s Fête de la Librairie Indépendante, come by to browse our books, get a handmade paper rose made out of recycled books and buy the book that Association Verbes puts out every year, a special collector edition that will help you discover the literature selections that have influenced 50 writers!

To celebrate both Earth Day and Independent Bookstore Day, we have asked other international bookstores in Paris to recommend a few books about ecology for children in French and in English. Their suggestions follow.

Best of all Join us at the Book Room on April 23rd at 4pm for a kids story time with Anjali Morard, author of Fortnum’s Night Out, where a crocodile disguises himself as a monster to go to a party, a picture book for kids aged 3 to 7. Please sign up by e-mail at!

Librairie Les Mots et les Choses, Recommendations made by Véronique:


Ce cahier d’activités permet aux enfants entre 8 et 12 ans de faire plein d’activités autour de l’écologie, bricolage, observation, militantisme…
Par exemple de créer un sac à partir d’un vieux T Shirt, de fabriquer un pluviomètre, d’observer un arbre à la loupe en relevant ses différentes caractéristiques, voire de créer une boîte à idées ou un jardin partagé !
Un chouette cahier à découvrir seul ou en famille !Earth DayLES PIEDS DANS LA TERRE : CINQ HISTOIRES DE PAYSANS de Claire Lecoeuvre, Arnaud Tetelin

Ce livre s’adresse aux enfants à partir de 10 ans et retrace l’histoire de cinq fermes sur 3 générations.
On comprend l’évolution de ces fermes traditionnelles, un temps passées à l’exploitation intensive, reprise par des agriculteurs ayant à cœur de vivre de leur travail sans dégrader l’environnement.
Un ouvrage sensible, proposant une approche concrète de l’écologie

Smith& Son, Recommendations made by Sylive Goffinet Julien

LITTLE TURTLE AND THE SEA (under 5) by Becky Davies

Thunder crashes in the sky as a little turtle struggles down the beach, and slips into the sea for the first time. Over the years she’ll revisit this shore many times. Join her as she makes her great journey across the ocean.

A FIELD GUIDE TO LEAFLINGS (7+) by Owen Churcher

Welcome to the world of Leaflings, the secret guardians of the trees.

Earth Day


For Earth Day (and every day!), this mini edition of the award-winning Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls series spotlights the ground-breaking work of women on the frontlines of the fight for climate justice.

Bill & Rosa’s Book Room recommends:


Mangoshi lives with her mom and dad in a village near the forest. When her mom becomes ill, Mangoshi knows only one thing can help her—a special flower that grows deep in the forest. The little girl needs all her courage when she sets out alone to find and bring back the flower, and all her kindness to overpower the dangers she encounters on the quest. Ben Okri brings the power of his mystic vision to a timely story that weaves together wonder, adventure, and environmentalism. An environmental fairytale that speaks eloquently to the most pressing issues of our times, from Nigerian author Ben Okri, Booker Prize–winning author of “The Famished Road”. Ages 8-10. We have a soft cover (9€) and a hard cover (12€) version of this lovely book.

Earth Day

I AM JANE GOODALL by Brad Meltzer

We can all be heroes. That’s the inspiring message of this New York Times bestselling picture book biography series from historian and author Brad Meltzer. Learn all about Jane Goodall, the chimpanzee scientist. Each picture book in this series is a biography of a significant historical figure, told in a simple, conversational, vivacious way, and always focusing on a character trait that makes the person a role model for kids. The heroes are depicted as children throughout, telling their life stories in first-person present tense, which keeps the books playful and accessible to young children. And each book ends with a line of encouragement, a direct quote, photos, a timeline, and a source list. This tenth book in the series features Jane Goodall, the scientist and conservationist who is famous for her work with chimpanzees. Ages 5-8. Hard cover just 7€ in the Book Room


Un livre fascinant rempli de rabats à soulever pour découvrir les arbres et les forêts, si précieux pour notre planète. À quoi servent les arbres ? Au fil des pages et des rabats à soulever, les enfants sont invités à découvrir le rôle essentiel que jouent les arbres et les forêts pour l’air que nous respirons, la température de la planète et la protection de nombreuses espèces animales et végétales. De 3 à 6 ans. Editions Usborne qui publie également Pourquoi on a besoin d’abeilles?

Earth Day


Comme chaque jour, l’apicultrice se prépare à prendre soin de ses abeilles et de ses ruches. Pourtant, ce matin-là, un étrange silence règne et l’apicultrice s’inquiète… Où sont passées ses précieuses butineuses ? De 3 à 6 ans.

And don’t forget the classic that started it all The Lorax by Dr Seuss and those fabulous Truffala trees

19 avril 2022 7 h 55 min

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