Myths and Misconceptions about the French

Myths and Misconceptions about the French (and France) and Where (at least) Some of Them Come From

Paris! France! Ooh-là-là! The most visited country in the world must have done something right to merit that kind of attention. And of course it has. But there are many other things that it hasn’t done-or kind of does but not in the way we think-or used to do but doesn’t any more. Détrompez-vous! (roughly: Think again!), by checking out the following (incomplete) list. The first misconception is that the French say “Oooooooh-là-là”! Oo is pronounced “oh” in French (alcool [alcohol], for instance, sounds like “al-cole,” not “al-cool”), so at worst the expression should be transcribed and pronounced as “Oh-là-là” and at best not transcribed or pronounced at all, as it’s rather passé. Some similar French and English expressions have totally different meanings: Anglophones say “There, t…
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