Cancer Support France

Support for Anglophones affected by Cancer in France Cancer Support France (CSF) is a charity that offers personalized support to English-speaking people in France touched by cancer by providing practical, emotional and linguistic support to patients and their families. Our aim is to help them to navigate the French healthcare system from diagnosis through every phase of their journey. Our volunteer team of “Active Listeners” are bilingual and trained to provide empowering support via phone, video call or in person, all free of charge and confidential. Let’s meet one of the volunteers of Cancer Support France, Kate Ogden. Q) Hi Kate, can you tell us a little about yourself? I have strong roots in England but I’ve been a resident in France for over 20 years. I work in the humanitarian field as a nutritionist and had been working internationally in Paris before transferring to Rome. Q) What’s your relationship with cancer? Ten years ago, while my work in Rome was in f…
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What is the European Parliament anyway?

European Parliamentary Elections are a hot topic. But What does the European Parliament do? The European Parliament is an elected body of 720 members proportionally from each of the 27 European states. France has 81 deputies. They are elected for 5 year terms. As of the last election in 2019, the youngest MEP was Kira Marie Peter-Hansen of Denmark, who was 21 at the time. She is also the youngest person ever elected to the European Parliament. The oldest MEP ever was Manolis Glezos (see tidbits below) from Greece who was 92 when elected in 2014. The Parliament is an important forum for political debate and decision-making at the EU level and acts as a co-legislator, sharing with the Council the power to adopt and amend legislative proposals and to decide on the EU budget. It also supervises the work of the Commission and other EU bodies and cooperates with national parliaments of EU countries to get their input. The European Parliament is the guarantor of freedom, equality and…
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English Books Paris: What’s New at Bill & Rosa’s Book Room

Each month in the Book Room online, we recommend newly published books and for May we've selected some books to help with learning English, about Paris and one to get you to venture out of town.




The Read in English series consists of classic stories, like those listed above, rewritten for new readers of English. Grâce aux titres de la collection "Harrap's school", les élèves de collège (4-6ème) peuvent commencer à lire en VO (et acquérir les niveaux A1 et A2) tous les grands classiques de la littérature anglo-saxonne. Le texte en anglais est adapté aux niveaux des collégiens. Enrichi de belles illustrations, d'un lexique en fin d'ouvrage pour aider à la compréhension de l'intrigue et d'une version audio pour s'imprégner du bon accent. Lire en anglais ? C'est facile et plaisant avec Harrap's. Publisher: Harrap’s School

What we think: Little Lord Fauntleroy is the absolu…

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